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2020 Chatsworth Champions Series


We are pleased to announce for 2020 we will be having a show jumping schooling show series - the 2020 Chatsworth Champions Series!

Our schooling shows will be held on February 1, April 11, July 18, and September 12, 2020 and are open to everyone, with classes starting at cross rails and going up to 1.15 m. ———————————- The Chatsworth Champions Series is a show jumping competition that comprises 4 rounds of competition, one in each season, with a total of $3000 prize money for the series! The final championship will be held on October 31, 2020 for qualified riders.

The competition for the Champion Series will be held at 12 PM during each schooling show, and consist of a course of jumps set between 0.7m and 1 m in height. Jump off will be held for riders with clear rounds.

At each competition, $500 in prize money will be distributed among the top three riders. A point system will be used for riders placing 1st-10th place. These points will be totaled and the top 10 riders will qualify to compete in the final championship class on October 31, with $1000 prize money!

The Friday before each competition, the competition arena will be open to competitors for schooling from 2-5 PM. After 5 PM the competition arena will be closed to horses, and available for riders to walk the course.

———————— The schooling show will begin at 9:00 am, and go through the divisions until we run out of riders. For all divisions other than the Champion Series, the goal is a clear round closest to optimum time.

Divisions: Greenie - cross rails Tadpole - 18” max. Starter - 2'3" max. BN- 2'6" max. Novice - 2'11" max. Training - 3'3" max. Prelim - 3'6" max. Intermediate - 3'9" max. **12 PM - 0.7m-1.0m Chatsworth Champion Series**

Entry for the show is $20 per class, $10 for an additional round in the same class. $10 grounds fee unless stabling overnight.

Entry for Chatsworth Champions Series (4 competitions and final if qualified): $200

Stabling is available and should be reserved in advance.

————— Entries: Entries may be mailed in or you can sign up the day of the show.

Payment may be made via check, cash or Venmo. Checks made payable to Centaur Equestrian. Venmo: @Anna-Bosworth-1

Negative coggins required for all horses on grounds and all riders must sign releases before mounting.

Please send entry information to: Chatsworth Stud c/o Daniel Sarango 1699 Berry Bennett Road Chatsworth, GA 30705

For more information please contact Us at (706) 846-8736,, or send us a Facebook message.

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